For about a week, I have traveled to visit family in Cleveland, Ohio and to visit friends in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. While we were traveling, I had a few free minutes to take a deep look at my surroundings and make some sketches. In fact, now that I think of it, I had a major delay on my flight to FLL and got some great new collections drawn out for the holiday season.
While we were in Florida, my husband and I got a chance to go down to the Keys and hang out on a kayak through the mangroves. While we were paddling our arms to jelly, we saw some beautiful sights. An egret extremely close up, a beautiful bird with such a graceful shape. It took flight and I was in awe. I was also taken with the beauty of simple things we see every day, like ripples from a drop, yet in the bright light and peacefulness of that kayak ride, they were amazing.
Though we were busy visiting with friends and family, taking time to appreciate all that the natural world has to offer will serve as inspiration for future pieces.